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Recurring symbolism in a psychic dream

Why Do I Keep Having The Same Recurring Dream?

Why do we sometimes have the same dream over and over again? Surely a recurring dream is not just a random coincidence or a mind trick? Correct! Understanding the deeper personal, spiritual and psychic implications of these dreams can indeed give us valuable ...

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Empath clearing and grounding her energy for psychic protection

How To Clear And Ground Your Energy

Psychics, mediums and healers often mention the importance of shielding your energy. But as a psychic empath, I have learned the hard way that clearing and grounding your energy are equally important and should always be done first. Shielding implies psychic...

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Woman shields her energy field with psychic defenses and spiritual protection

Learn To Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

As sentient spirits in human form, we are constantly interacting with the energies of other people. This invisible exchange of energy can be a very positive, uplifting experience, or it can be very toxic and draining. Those of us with heightened psychic awareness, such as...

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Psychic doing an energy reading with a candle flame.

Using Candles In Your Spiritual Practice

We cannot control our broader environment or the co-created world in which we live. But we can be an active metaphysical force in how things ultimately play out in our own lives because we have free will and the power to manifest our own reality. No matter what the circumstances are...

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Goddess of the divine sacred feminine

The Goddess Energy Of The Sacred Feminine

There is divine goddess energy within all of us. It is called the sacred feminine. Many people assume that the sacred feminine is a spiritual concept that is only relevant to women. This is not true. The sacred feminine is a key spiritual growth principle and personal guiding force...

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Spiritually ascending woman healing her ancestral karmic legacy

Ascending The Legacy Of Your Ancestral Karmic Debt

We are spiritually at a pivotal time in human history. As part of our accelerated ascension journey the Universe is now holding our generation accountable for the karmic accumulation of the past 2000 years and beyond, both collectively and in our personal ancestral lineages. This is a...

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Venus love and romance horoscope

Venus Romance In Your Astrology Chart

Most people are familiar with their Sun, Moon and rising sign, but astrology goes much deeper than that. For example, if your sign is Scorpio, you could have Venus in Leo, which would make you more expressive and spontaneous in relationships. Venus, the planet of romance and...

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Spiritually aware woman listening to her intuitive inner guidance

Unlock Your Inner Guidance With Intuitive Awareness

People ask me what it’s like to constantly “live with spirit.” They wonder if I can read minds or if spirit is constantly talking in my ear? I think sometimes they imagine a little angel on my shoulder chattering away in a non-stop staccato as I go through the day. The simple answer is that I am no...

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Unseen forces of divine intervention change the fate of a dream wedding

The Intricate Dance Of Free Will, Fate And Destiny

A client once asked me why we choose to do certain things in our lives when we know that a particular choice, decision, or action is likely to end very badly for us, especially when our intuition tells us so long in advance? Why do we not choose to use our free will to make better choices...

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Inspired woman having an amazing spiritual life experience

The Spiritual Necessity Of A Bucket List

Have you ever felt like there’s more to life than the daily grind? Creating and pursuing a bucket list is one way to bring purpose and meaning to your existence. When I do readings, Spirit often encourages my clients to set new life goals and advises that it is never too early or to late...

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A spiritual conduit transmutes and heals psychic energy

Are You A Spiritual Conduit?

Do you often walk into a room and have people start confessing their past traumatic experiences, talking about being molested, or admitting to addictions when you don’t even know their names? Do you often have random strangers share with you their deepest, darkest secrets, fears or desires that they’ve never...

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Soulmate love contract between two souls in a karmic relationship

When Is Your Soulmate Going To Call?

Many psychic readings involve long-term, on-again, off-again relationships. There is usually a very strong emotional and spiritual bond between the client and another person, along with very limited, uncertain and even frustrating progress in real terms. Being caught up in this kind of...

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