We would very much like for you to apply for a position as a psychic, providing you meet the requirements outlined below. Please read them carefully. Presently, we are only accepting applications from psychics residing in the United States,
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
You should have a proven track record. We are looking for psychics with a minimum of five years of professional experience, meaning you have worked for other websites, phone lines, psychic tearooms, or had your own private practice in an office or your home. Where possible, expect that we will check your references thoroughly. This is not the place to start your career in the psychic business. We need experienced, seasoned psychics.
You must be at least twenty-one years of age; there are no exceptions. If hired, you will be required to submit a photocopy of a valid photo ID, such as a driver's license, passport or sheriff's ID AND a photocopy
of your social security or national insurance card.
- Love/Romance Advice
- Relationship Advice
- Career/Finance Advice
- Tarot Card Readings
- Holistic Therapies
- Angels/Guides
- Channeling/Mediumship
- Dream Intrepretation
- Past Life Analysis
- Numerology
- Astrology/Horoscopes
- Pet Readings
While we expect all readings to be honest and detailed, you must possess the ability to deliver bad news delicately. Our customers do NOT want to walk away feeling scared, traumatized, or depressed. We want psychics who can infuse hope into even the darkest predictions, while still maintaining their integrity. This requires sensitivity on the part of the psychic, as well as a good old-fashioned bedside manner.
These requirements only apply to: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
- You must speak, read and write English fluently.
- You must have a land line based telephone. Absolutely NO cell/mobile phones are allowed.
- UK Psychics, you must have a regular line and not a "Premium Line" (phone numbers begining with 7 or 8).
- Payments for your contracted services will be made via PayPal. You will be required to obtain a PayPal account and
provide us with the email address associated with that PayPal account.
- Proof of citizenship for the country in which you reside is required and must include at least one government
issued photo ID.
Personality plays an important role in your ability to deliver quality readings and advice. We are
looking for psychics who, more often than not...
- come up with new ways of doing things
- think about future implications for an action
- perceive the underlying meanings in what people say or do
- see the big picture
- decide to buy something just because they like it
- refrain from revealing news that will upset others terribly
- would not take a job because they didn't like the environment
- would move somewhere to be close to someone they care about
- make to-do lists and schedule tasks in advance
- bring closure to an issue in order to move on
Though the personality descriptions may seem random, research has proven that the needs of
everyone at Psychic Access are best filled by those psychics who fit the above profile.
If you are a 'Negative Nellie,' please think about applying for a psychic position elsewhere. A positive
attitude is essential in building a great relationship with clients. You can't maintain a good
recurring customer base with negativity. We are looking for psychics who more often than not...
- don't worry about the things they can't change
- describe who they are in positive terms
- surround themselves with upbeat, positive friends and acquaintances
- are able to give their undivided attention to the task at hand
- make an effort to say something nice about everyone
- celebrate their strengths rather than obsess over their weaknesses
- expect the best rather than the worst from people
- enjoy dressing and looking their best
- are easily able to forgive
- have faith in life, themselves and others
- sees the glass half full, not half empty
The key here is to add "more often than not" to these phrases. We all have bad days. How you deal
with them, is what interests us most. It's the positive attitude we look for. If at any time while
reading the above information you whispered, shouted or sang, "That's me," we encourage you to
apply for a position with us.
As a telephone psychic you will need a smart phone and a land line. A land line is required as many smart phones do drop calls and the quality is not always the best. The smart phone is need so you can create a short introductory video of yourself.
- Lap-top / Desk-top computer OR
- Chromebook
While most of your work is done on the phone, you will need a device to access and use our administrative section where you log in/out, contact customers, view your reports etc.

By clicking the "Next Page" button below, you'll learn all about the benefits you receive when you work for us. To access
our menu and go elsewhere on the site, click the "Top Of Page" button.
