Have you felt a profound shift within yourself that you can’t quite explain? Perhaps you’ve noticed subtle but undeniable and very significant changes in your awareness, perceptions, emotions, and outlook on life? If so, it is very likely that you have embarked on the journey of spiritual awakening. So, welcome to the club!
The deeply transformative process of spiritual awakening is characterized by a profound inner exploration that leads us to question our existence, explore our connection to the universe, and uncover the hidden truths of our soul. It’s more than just a renewed interest in spirituality.
It is not just about inner peace, heightened awareness, or becoming a model of enlightenment. It’s a deep inner calling that beckons you to personal growth, self-discovery, and your divine destiny. And it’s often also a messy journey!
There’s no one universally accepted definition for this process, because the experience or journey is unique to each person. It’s also a lifelong process, and the time of awakening is just the beginning. As you embark on this journey, you may experience moments of clarity, heightened intuition, and a newfound sense of purpose. Embrace the uncertainty, for spiritual awakening is a path of self-discovery, enlightenment, and profound transformation.
Essentially, spiritual awakening is a significant shift in one’s personal perspective, typically characterized by a recognition of the consciousness of the observer. It is the realization that the true self or ‘I’ is the observer of your thoughts, feelings and experiences. You are not your thoughts, feelings and experiences, but merely the observer of your thoughts, feelings and experiences.
Awakening also brings a sense of expanded awareness that causes us to examine our beliefs about ourselves and the world through a more critical lens. This usually sparks a search for authentic truth and a thirst for deeper knowledge and understanding of ourselves and the world. The awakening person begins to rebel against what they have been told to believe on all levels of their experience of themselves and the world.
Awakening returns us to a state of newfound curiosity about our existence. We begin to explore what actually informs our existing beliefs, to determine whether or not they serve our highest good. The awakened person also accepts their role as a conscious co-creator and takes responsibility for healing and releasing that which doesn’t serve their highest good.
In recent years, more and more people around the world have been awakening. Triggers for awakening are often major life events such as marriage, divorce, pregnancy, grief, loss, trauma or traumatic events, major transitions, career changes, and so on. But anything can trigger a spiritual awakening. It can also happen simply because of a sense of general dissatisfaction with life and a longing for more depth, meaning, and purpose.
How can you tell if it’s happening to you? Ultimately, awakening is characterized by a very strong sense of before and after. There is no mistaking this characteristic, but there are other signs and experiences that are commonly shared by people who are spiritually awakening:
During a spiritual awakening, you may experience a profound sense of connection that transcends the boundaries of the physical world. This connection extends to the universe, nature, and every living being around you. . Embrace this sense of interconnectedness with an open heart and mind, and allow it to guide you on your path to spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment.
The spiritually awakening person feels called to a higher purpose or desire for a more meaningful purpose in life. They want to break free from the standard work-eat-sleep cycle. You may even sense that this fulfillment can be found through spiritual means. You have a desire to spend your time doing things that are emotionally, mentally and spiritually satisfying and meaningful.
You may begin to notice an increase in signs, synchronicities, and serendipitous events. Often these will be personally significant messages you receive from Spirit, communicated through very specific symbolism that is particularly meaningful to you.
This can manifest in a variety of ways, including hearing songs, repeating number sequences, recurring dreams, strange or seemingly impossible coincidences, and so on. You will also increasingly find that divine timing aligns for you, opportunities miraculously manifest, you meet the right people to support your path, and blessings arrive when you need them.
These meaningful coincidences will become more frequent and will point you in the direction of alignment with the Universe. Pay attention to these signs, as they often signify a shift in consciousness and a greater sense of purpose unfolding in your life.
One of the profound effects of a spiritual awakening is an increase in empathy and compassion for others, which makes it particularly difficult to accept violence and the suffering of others.
You may find yourself more attuned to the emotions and experiences of those around you, fostering a deeper connection and understanding of the human condition. This heightened sensitivity allows you to offer support and kindness to others in a deeper and more meaningful way.
You are developing a strong desire for personal growth and self-improvement. This newfound thirst for knowledge and introspection propels you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Embrace this opportunity for growth and allow yourself to explore new avenues of learning and development that align with your evolving consciousness.
The spiritually awakened person has a new thirst for knowledge, critical thinking, and challenging the status quo. They begin to question what they really believe. You begin to realize that you have allowed your opinions to be defined by others.
Spiritual awakening leads you to take back your sovereignty of thought and begin to decide for yourself what you truly believe. This applies not only to the world around us, but also to the limiting beliefs about ourselves that we must now confront.
The spiritually awakening person experiences a significant shift in perspective from a victim mentality to a conscious creator. You realize that you must take responsibility for your life and all that you have manifested. This is exciting because it means you are discovering that you are capable of consciously creating your future!
Spiritual awakening increases our self-awareness and leads us to see the lessons in our personal challenges. It radically changes the way you approach situations and relationships in your life.
It is closely related to the shift from being a victim to being a conscious creator. We actively seek out our own limiting beliefs and behaviors. We seek to learn whatever lesson is present in our circumstances because we understand that the universe only provides us with opportunities for growth. Self-awareness is a cornerstone of spiritually conscious living.
Remember that awakening is a process of aligning with our truest authenticity. It makes it painfully impossible to deny who we are and why we came here. We must own who we are and step into our magic. It helps us realign by bringing us back to our natural resonance, our natural vibration. This sometimes makes aspects of our lives incompatible with modern conventions, ‘comforts’ and conveniences.
The spiritually awakening person may experience mood swings and unexpected triggers. It is often a time of intense emotional discovery and release, and the beginning of a healing journey. This part is challenging and can be very messy and painful.
An awakened spiritual path is fundamentally about getting to know ourselves more fully and moving toward greater authenticity. To do this, we must confront the false beliefs and dysfunctional behaviors that have been holding us back. These are often tied to past traumas or distorted perspectives from our childhood and formative life experiences. It can be an emotional roller coaster!
As you walk the path of spiritual awakening, you will encounter your inner shadows – those buried emotions, fears and traumas that have long been suppressed. It’s in facing these shadows that you can truly begin the process of emotional healing. Self-reflection becomes your guiding light, allowing you to confront these aspects of yourself with compassion and understanding.
Confronting your inner shadows may cause discomfort and resistance, but remember that it’s in these moments of discomfort that true growth occurs. By acknowledging and accepting these aspects of yourself, you pave the way for emotional catharsis and profound healing. Each step of self-reflection brings you closer to emotional release and newfound clarity.
Detachment from the ego is a central stage in the journey to enlightenment and self-realization. It involves transcending the ego, which is the part of the psyche that identifies as separate from others and attached to worldly desires, fears, and attachments. During the ‘death” of the ego, we experience a sense of oneness with the universe, a dissolution of the boundaries between self and other, and a profound connection with the divine or universal consciousness.
Spiritual awakening therefore involves shedding layers of ego-driven behaviors and patterns that have clouded your true essence. Egoic patterns often stem from societal conditioning, fears and insecurities that keep you trapped in cycles of negativity and limitation. By recognizing and releasing these patterns, you create space for authenticity and compassion to flourish within you.
Releasing egoic patterns allows you to operate from a place of spiritual alignment, where your actions are guided by love and higher consciousness. Through this process, you begin to embody your true essence, free from the constraints of ego-driven desires. Each moment of letting go is a step toward spiritual liberation and a deeper connection to your inner wisdom.
Spiritual awakening increases our intuition, which can express itself in a variety of ways, such as heightened energy sensitivity, more meaningful dreams, clairvoyant visions, psychic knowing, mediumistic experiences, etc. In essence, you are now flexing metaphysical “muscles” that you haven’t used in a long time. We all have unique spiritual gifts and talents, and so does our energetic expression.
One of the most common signs of a spiritual awakening is the experience of vivid dreams that feel unusually real. These dreams may carry messages, symbols, or insights that provide guidance and clarity on your spiritual journey. You may wake up with a deep sense of knowing or intuition about a situation, paving the way for better decision-making in alignment with your higher self.
By embracing your heightened intuition and psychic abilities, you open yourself to a world of limitless wisdom and insight. Trust your intuitive nudges and allow your psychic gifts to guide you on your spiritual journey, unlocking the mysteries of the universe one intuitive step at a time.
As you progress on your spiritual path, you may become more attuned to the energies around you. This newfound sensitivity may manifest as an increased awareness of auras, vibrations, and subtle energy fields. You may notice shifts in energy as you enter different spaces or interact with certain people.
This heightened sensitivity serves as a compass to help you navigate the intricate web of energies that influence your daily experiences. Embracing this sensitivity can lead to a deeper connection with the universal flow of energy and a heightened understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
You may also notice that your own energy levels fluctuate. At times you may feel a surge of vitality and heightened awareness, ready to take on the world with renewed vigor. These moments can be filled with inspiration and a sense of purpose that propels you forward on your path. On the other hand, there may be times when your energy seems to wane, prompting you to turn inward and engage in deep introspection. These moments of quiet reflection are essential for processing the profound changes that are occurring within you. Accept these fluctuations as part of the ebb and flow of your spiritual evolution.
You may also become more sensitive to the energies present in your environment. You may find that certain environments or situations that once felt comfortable now evoke strong reactions in you. This heightened sensitivity is a sign of your expanding awareness and attunement to subtle influences.
The spiritually awakening person may experience a variety of physical and sensory symptoms, such as ringing in the ears, disturbed sleep, pressure at the crown or third eye chakra, and so on.
You may feel a greater desire to take care of your physical body, including intuitive dietary changes, increased sensitivity to things like processed foods, chemical products such as soaps, lotions, detergents, unnatural fabrics, smells or foods, etc. Suddenly you break out in hives and realize you need to switch to an all-natural beauty product. Note that it is also wise to consult a physician or licensed healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical causes.
The spiritually awakened person often becomes more sensitive to environmental factors such as noise, light, and electromagnetic fields. You may feel overwhelmed or overstimulated in certain environments and seek out quieter, more peaceful surroundings. You may also experience increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, including sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Colors may seem brighter, sounds may seem clearer, textures may feel more pronounced, and tastes may be more intense.
Your relationship with food may change during this time as you become more sensitive to the energy and quality of the food you consume. As you become more attuned to your emotions and inner experiences, you may also develop a greater awareness of your relationship with food. This heightened awareness can lead to a more conscious approach to eating, with a focus on nourishing the body rather than using food as a means of coping with emotions or stress.
Pay attention to how different foods make you feel energetically, as your body seeks nourishment that aligns with your evolving spiritual journey. You may be drawn to more nutritious, whole foods that support your body’s changing needs. This heightened sensitivity can lead to a preference for lighter, fresher and more natural, organic and whole foods that nourish the body and support spiritual growth. These foods are generally associated with a higher vibrational frequency and are more conducive to a state of calm and clarity of mind. Look for organic, locally sourced, and sustainably produced foods that support your personal health as well as environmental and ethical values.
You may also experience changes in your appetite or eating patterns. Some people experience a decrease in appetite due to a focus on spiritual practices, while others may find themselves eating more mindfully or intuitively, paying closer attention to their body’s signals of hunger and satiety.
Overall, changes in food and nutritional needs during spiritual awakening reflect a deeper integration of mind, body, and spirit as you strive to nourish yourself in ways that support your evolving consciousness and holistic well-being.
Another common symptom of spiritual awakening is frequent waking in the early morning hours, typically between 3 and 5 am. It’s important to rule out any medical reasons for this. However, if you are in good health and are waking up this early on a regular basis, you may be experiencing this because of spiritual awakening.
The reason you wake up at 3 a.m. is not metaphysical; it is biological. It is biology influenced by your spiritual evolution. But essentially it is a return to your natural state of being – your natural sleep cycle. During the Industrial Revolution, the modern “eight-hour” sleep cycle was almost enforced as a means of being “more productive. But research has shown that without artificial light, subjects return to a segmented sleep cycle. This is our natural circadian rhythm. Humans are designed to sleep twice a night. And the reason you wake up at 3 a.m. is because your body wants to return to that natural cycle.
Now that you know why this may be happening to you, how can you make the most of this time? First, keep your light low and artificial light to a minimum. During this time between our sleep intervals, we are actually in a different mental space. We are more receptive and open to universal energies, so I encourage you to use this time for spiritual awareness.
You will likely find that you receive powerful messages from Spirit during this waking time! This is a bonus byproduct of realigning with your natural sleep cycle. Use this time to meditate, read, make love, sit in quiet contemplation, practice breathing exercises, read tarot or angel cards, or scry, or try some gentle, low-intensity yoga and stretching. This is an ideal time to do things of a spiritual nature. Be gentle in your activities, and when you feel tired, allow yourself to go back to sleep.
The spiritually awakening person typically feels increasingly drawn to nature and animals, which usually includes a heightened sense of environmental awareness and a sense of responsibility to care for Gaia, or Mother Earth. This heightened environmental awareness is often linked to a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and a recognition of the sacredness of the natural world.
You may increasingly find solace, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment in spending time in nature, whether in forests, mountains, oceans, or other natural environments. You may also make significant changes in your personal lifestyle in this regard, such as taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint, minimizing household waste, and supporting environmentally friendly products and initiatives.
Spiritual awakening involves a shift in perception to recognize the interconnectedness of all living beings and the environment. You come to see yourself as part of a larger web of life, where your actions toward the environment have ripple effects that affect the well-being of all. This can lead to a deep reverence for the earth and a desire to protect and preserve its beauty and biodiversity.
We are awakened to a sense of responsibility as stewards of the Earth. This includes a commitment to sustainable living practices, reducing consumption and waste, and advocating for environmental protection and conservation efforts. You may also be drawn to environmental ethics and principles that emphasize ecological sustainability, respect for biodiversity, and harmony with nature. This may involve adopting practices such as organic farming, permaculture, or regenerative agriculture.
You may even feel inspired to become an environmental activist or advocate, working to address pressing environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, pollution, and habitat destruction. This activism is rooted in a deep sense of interconnectedness and a commitment to creating a more just and sustainable world for future generations.
While the awakening process marks a profound shift in personal perception that forever changes the way we experience life, relating to less spiritually aware friends and relatives can leave you feeling lonely and deeply isolated if the people around you don’t understand your new perspective on life. You may want to talk about the new ideas and concepts you are discovering, but you may feel that your friends and family don’t understand you, don’t want to engage with you. Some may even be judgmental or hostile. Small talk tends to feel superficial and inauthentic to the spiritually awakened person.
There are many challenges that come with awakening, and it is a matter of finding the balance between sharing your ideas and insights and knowing when someone may not be able or ready to receive your message. While Awakening can bring you more deeply in touch with your sense of compassion, it can also create a sense of frustration when dealing with those who haven’t yet awakened.
It is important to always hold yourself accountable for having compassion and respect for those who don’t share your perspective. Spiritual awakening doesn’t make you superior or better than anyone else. Everyone’s journey is different, and everyone’s journey is valid.
To foster harmony with your loved ones without compromising your own energy vibration, these strategies may prove helpful:
Compassion & Empathy: Remember your own pre-awakening journey and understand the challenges you faced. Recognize that each soul evolves at its own pace, and avoid judgment.
Discretion & Tact: Exercise restraint in sharing insights, understanding that unsolicited advice can feel judgmental. Wait until asked for guidance and respect individual journeys.
Learn & Grow: View challenges presented by unawakened individuals as opportunities for personal growth. Cultivate compassion rather than judgment, and foster harmony in relationships.
Release & Let Go: Understand that not everyone will be with you on your spiritual journey. Some relationships may naturally drift apart, requiring loving release.
Navigating spiritual awakening can indeed feel isolating, but using these strategies can foster understanding and connection, even amidst divergent paths. It is also important to feel understood and supported on your spiritual path. Connecting with like-minded people who share similar spiritual interests and experiences can provide a sense of belonging and validation. Surrounding yourself with those who resonate with your journey creates a supportive environment where you can freely express your beliefs and experiences without fear of judgment.
More and more people are awakening every day, and sometimes it’s the people you least expect. It’s important to focus on yourself. Be the change you wish to see manifest in the world. Meet fear or hatred with love. The fastest way to live a spiritually meaningful life is to find your own heart center and then learn to always stay in your heart center.
Psychic readings can serve as a supportive and empowering tool when you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, offering validation, insight, guidance and encouragement along your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. A reputable, gifted psychic can offer insights that resonate with your experience, validate your awakening, and provide direction for your journey. A good reading is often a source of encouragement and support during a time of change and uncertainty. A psychic reading can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you on your journey of spiritual awakening in several ways:
Clarity & Validation: A psychic reading can provide clarity and validation regarding the experiences and feelings you’re having during your spiritual awakening. Sometimes just having someone acknowledge and validate your experiences can be incredibly comforting and reassuring. A psychic reading can provide clarity about the challenges, opportunities, and lessons of your spiritual journey.
Understand Your Path: A psychic reader can help you gain a deeper understanding of your life’s path and soul plan by offering insights into your past, present, and potential future experiences. This understanding can help you overcome challenges, identify opportunities for growth, and make informed decisions that are aligned with your spiritual journey.
Identify Blockages: Psychic readings can reveal energetic blockages or obstacles that may be hindering your spiritual progress. By identifying these blockages, you can work to release them and move forward on your path with greater ease and clarity.
Spirit Communication: A gifted medium or channeler can help you connect with your loved ones on the other side, your ancestors, spirit guides and angelic guardians to offer guidance, support and wisdom as you navigate your spiritual awakening. These spiritual beings can provide valuable insight, protection, and encouragement along your journey.
Past Life Insights: Some readers specialize in past life readings, which can provide insight into past life experiences that may be influencing your current spiritual journey. Understanding past life connections and lessons can provide valuable context and clarity for your current experiences. For example, it can uncover past life traumas and wounds that may be affecting you in your current life. By bringing these experiences to light, you have the opportunity to heal and release unresolved emotions, fears, and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. This healing process is essential for spiritual growth and release from the past.
Karmic Patterns: Psychic readings can provide insight into karmic patterns and dynamics that you may be experiencing in your current life. By exploring how past actions and experiences may be influencing present circumstances, you can gain clarity about recurring themes, challenges and relationships in your life. it can reveal soul contracts, agreements and connections formed across lifetimes with other souls. Understanding these soul-level agreements can provide insight into the purpose, lessons, and connections individuals have with others in their lives. it empowers one to break free from negative karmic cycles and make conscious choices aligned with your highest good.
Akashic Access: A psychic medium who specializes in akashic readings can help you access the akashic records, the metaphysical “database” that contains the collective wisdom, experiences, and knowledge of every soul throughout eternity. By tapping into the Akashic Records, you can gain insight into your soul’s journey, purpose, and evolution across lifetimes. This profound wisdom offers guidance, clarity, and direction on your path of spiritual awakening, empowering you to align with your soul’s purpose and highest potential.
Empowerment & Self-Discovery: Ultimately, a psychic reading can empower you to trust your intuition, embrace your spiritual gifts, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and the universe. It can serve as a catalyst for self-discovery, personal growth and spiritual evolution.
It’s important to approach psychic readings with an open mind and discernment, and to choose a reputable and ethical psychic reader who resonates with you. While psychic readings can provide valuable guidance and support, they should be viewed as one tool among many for navigating your spiritual awakening journey. Ultimately, the most important guidance comes from within and from your own intuition.
Sarah is a natural Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Empath whose practice has been built largely by word-of-mouth. As a child her abilities came to the fore through precognitive dreams and messages she received. Her connection with Spirit was never more personal than the visit she received from her mother who passed, in which she conveyed the moving message that she loved her. Not long after her death she discovered her mom's Tarot deck, which launched Sarah on her journey and life-calling to explore a vast array of her gifts, one of them Eye-Gazing, a psychic tool she developed herself! Sarah continues to receive steady guidance and messages directly from Spirit Guides and Angels, and has maintained a steady and successful private practice in Canada, since 1995. Very active in her spiritual community, she's often called upon to lead local events, including group meditations. The practice of meditation, she confides, has changed her life in profound ways. Sarah has developed The Sacred Art of Creation, leading empowered women's circles that facilitate self-healing, manifestation and alignment with one's higher self. If you'd like a reading with a compassionate reader who can both hear and convey direct messages from Spirit Guides and Angels. |
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