Do you suspect that your home is haunted or feel the eerie presence of something paranormal or supernatural? When we sense something like this, it is usually true. Always trust your gut. Better safe than sorry.
Signs of a haunted home can manifest in subtle but very disturbing ways, from unexplained drafts to strange noises in the middle of the night. Spirit energies and entities can attach themselves to a place, person, or object and stay there. They can linger in our homes on furniture, ornaments, and even clothing.
Recognizing the signs of a haunting early on and knowing how to deal with an unwelcome spirit infestation is crucial to protecting the well-being of you and your family and restoring harmony and peace to your living space before it is unduly disturbed by unseen forces.
A haunting is the paranormal phenomenon of a place, such as a house or building, being visited or inhabited by spirit energies or supernatural entities. These entities or energy presences can be detected through various signs such as unexplained noises, moving objects, changes in temperature, or the appearance of apparitions. Most hauntings are associated with past events, tragedies, or the presence of earthbound spirits with unfinished business in the physical world. The nature and intent of hauntings can however vary from benign to malevolent.
The signs of a haunted house can be varied and intriguing, ranging from emotional states to unexplained phenomena . However, there are certain telltale, never-fail signs to look for in a haunted environment:
A house with a history of tragedy, trauma, death, or being built on ancient burial grounds is usually more prone to hauntings. Be very aware of the potential presence of spirit energies when considering renting or buying a home. If there is a presence of dark, negative spirit attachments in a house it will often feel very cold, empty, lonely, or angry. A home with positive, healthy energy feels warm, peaceful, safe, welcoming, and calm.
Temperature changes and random cold spots in certain areas of your home, where the temperature inexplicably drops even when the heat is working fine, are a classic and very common sign of a haunting. It feels a bit like being near dry ice. This is how I often experience it.
An intuitive feeling of being watched or observed, a feeling of unease when you’re alone, noticing shadows that resemble human figures, the sensation of being touched when you’re alone, or feeling a creepy presence with you in a particular room or even following you around the house.
Other signs include a strong pressure around your head, a strange “heaviness” in the air, and feeling constantly drained or tired. You may also experience inexplicable goosebumps when you are in certain areas of your home, or feel ‘chills’ down your spine, or the hair on your arms or the back of your neck stand up.
Always trust your gut. If you feel uncomfortable and suspect a ghostly presence, it may be worth investigating further. If you are a highly sensitive person or an empath, you will definitely sense much more.
Paranormal activity in your home can cause you to experience recurring nightmares, strange dreams, and sleep disturbances. A haunting can cause intense and recurring dreams due to residual energy from traumatic events that occurred in the house, intelligent spirits interacting with you in the dream state, or a heightened awareness that may make you more susceptible to nightmares.
Animals are generally more sensitive to supernatural presences, so be aware if your pets start acting strangely for no apparent reason.
Hearing unexplained noises that aren’t typical of your home and are not coming from neighbors or outside sources, including whispers, footsteps, knocking, slamming doors, or strange voices when no one is around.
You may also have an “unwelcome house guest” if there are unexplained, unfamiliar odors that defy any other explanation. It is usually a foul odor, such as sulfur, decay, or other noxious odors. These smells can appear suddenly with no apparent source and may indicate the presence of a very negative or malevolent entity.
Strange electrical activity such as flickering lights, appliances turning on and off by themselves, and unexplained interference with electronic devices.
Objects in your home moving on their own, from subtle shifts to objects being thrown. Missing items are found in unusual places in your home where they are not normally kept. These objects are also known in spiritualism as “apports,” the paranormal phenomenon of objects being transferred from one place to another or appearing from an unknown source, often during seances or associated with poltergeist activity.
Ecotplasm is a rare paranormal substance that can appear as a viscous, gelatinous material, a filamentous structure, a slime-like substance, or even a luminous mist.
There are different forms of spirit haunting that can affect the occupants of a home. Understanding the differences between the spirit energies that cause hauntings can help you determine the nature of the presence in your home and take appropriate action to deal with it.
It is important to know that there are distinct differences between a benevolent and a malevolent spirit entity or energy presence. A benevolent spirit, such as the energies of our deceased loved ones, our spirit guides, and the angels, makes us feel calm, secure, and reassured, while a negative energy attachment or malevolent spirit entity causes eerie, ominous feelings, disruptions in our lifestyle, or worse.
This type of energy is a residue of past events or intense emotions that have left an energetic imprint on the house or its grounds. This type of energy does not interact with the living, but can create an eerie atmosphere and disturbing presence.
A well-documented form of residual haunting is the repeated appearance of an apparition or apparitions in a particular house or area. Haunting apparitions are typically repetitive and robotic in nature, compulsively repeating the same sequence of seemingly meaningless and unmotivated actions. They usually seem oblivious to the people in their presence.
Paranormal investigator Ernest Bozzano found in an analysis of 374 cases that more than 80% of these apparitions were associated with a death in the home or location. Most apparitional hauntings are ‘place-centered’. However, rare cases of “person-centered” hauntings, where the apparitional phenomena are seen in the vicinity of a specific person, regardless of location, have also been reported.
Some experts believe that these apparitions may be due to the existence of a “psychic ether” through which images created by living people through a “telepathic charge” continue to exist in an independent form after their death.
One well-documented haunting was the Cheltenham Ghost, which occurred in the early 1880s at a house on Pittville Circus Road in Cheltenham, England. The haunting is one of the most famous in history, reported by the family living there and investigated by several prominent figures of the time. Many people witnessed the apparition of a woman dressed in black who descended the stairs, entered the drawing room, and stood by the window. The mysterious figure was also seen in the garden and other places.
Haunted houses are most often due to the presence of one or more earthbound spirits, also known as “ghosts”. Ghosts are earthbound spirits of the deceased who have not yet crossed over due to unfinished business, strong emotional ties, or confusion about their deaths.
These spirits inhabit a realm that exists parallel to or overlapping with the physical world. They are conscious entities who are aware of the living and can interact with us. They are not usually malevolent or evil, just restless, and they are usually trying to communicate a message or complete their unfinished business.
They may be unaware that they have passed on, or they may feel compelled to stay because of strong attachments to people, places, or situations from their lives. Their energy is often attached to their former home, or even to objects they cherished. They may also be attached to a person, and they often harbor regrets.
Some of the typical reasons a soul may remain attached to this world include:
In my experience, it is sometimes the living relatives who cause spirits to remain attached to this world. Sometimes surviving family members do not realize that their avoidance of dealing with the grieving process may be preventing their deceased loved one from crossing over. When we are unable or unwilling to let go of a loved one and release their soul to the spirit world, they choose to stay here with us. They are concerned for our well-being and until they are assured that we will be fine without them, they will not find the will to completely leave this world and cross over to the other side.
Most earthbound spirits like to just “hang out” and generally do no harm. Sometimes they make their presence known. Sometimes you can even feel what they are feeling. Sometimes they express anger because they are confused or in denial about their current state. Some souls become earthbound because of a sudden or traumatic death.
If a soul is in denial about their own death, they will often carry on as if nothing has happened to them. They tend to act as if they are still alive, going about their daily routine as if nothing has changed. Usually there is no malicious or evil intent; they are not out to hurt us. They just want to understand what happened to them?
If you feel that you have an earthbound soul around you, talk to them and reassure them that they may just be disoriented or afraid to move toward the light and need help to get there. Just let them know that you are here to support them and will help guide them to the other side.
Always surround yourself with love and light, this will certainly give the transitioning soul the support they need. They are just souls that need love to move on. I have helped several earthbound souls transition to the other side, they always leave a footprint on my heart.
However, there are some earthbound spirit attachments that can be dark and negative, even extremely evil, such as demons and poltergeists. These dark spirit entities can cause much negativity in your life, as well as upheaval and disruption in your home. In these cases, it is best to seek professional spiritual assistance with house-clearing and rescue mediumship.
These spirits are also conscious and can communicate with the living through various phenomena such as moving objects or making sounds to get your attention, but they tend to be malevolent and more problematic when present in your home.
The most important thing to remember is that negative spirit energies tend to be “lost souls.” They inspire fear and anxiety because it gives them something to “feed on.” Do not attempt to communicate or engage with such energies. Instead, concentrate on filling your home with positive light and love.
The two most troublesome types of intelligent hauntings are:
Poltergeists: The best known manifestation of intelligent hauntings is known as a poltergeist. The term “poltergeist” comes from two German words: poltern, meaning “to make a sound” or “to rumble,” and geist, meaning “ghost” or “spirit.” In other words, it refers to a “noisy ghost” or “rumbling spirit.” Known for causing disturbances such as moving or throwing objects, making loud noises, and even causing physical harm, poltergeists are disruptive and dangerous spirit energies that must be handled with care.
There are many documented cases of poltergeists that have intrigued researchers and the public for decades. Three famous cases are
The Enfield Poltergeist (1977-1979, England): This case involved reports of moving furniture, banging noises, and floating children in a council house in Enfield, London.
The Bell Witch (1817-1821, USA): A Tennessee farmhouse experienced physical attacks, conversations with a spirit, and throwing objects attributed to a witch haunting the Bell family.
The Amherst Poltergeist (1878-1879, Canada): Esther Cox, living in Amherst, Nova Scotia, was the center of phenomena including fires, moving objects, and the appearance of mysterious writings.
Demonic Entities: Demons are evil spirits that have never lived a human life. They are supernatural beings with the power to influence or possess the living. They cause more intense and negative experiences than other types of spirits because of their malevolent intentions toward humans. Their presence in a home creates a particularly oppressive and frightening atmosphere.
Note that ghosts, hauntings, and malevolent spirit possessions are very different from the spirit energy encounters we have with the consciousness of deceased loved ones and benevolent spirit beings. Our loved ones usually make their presence known only through brief and temporary moments of contact, communication, or visitation, during which it is wise to remain open to any messages or signs they may wish to give you.
But in the case of an earthbound spirit, intelligent haunting, or malevolent possession, the energy presence is persistent and constant, causing all kinds of disturbance and discomfort. In these cases, you are not dealing with a spirit visitation, but with a spirit haunting. This requires that you set firm energy boundaries and take the necessary steps to live comfortably and peacefully in your home.
If you’re experiencing strange occurrences, unsettling feelings, or simply the presence of negative energies in your current home, it could very well be haunted. If so, it may be time to address the problem. The following are effective ways to deal with unwelcome spirit energies in your home:
Setting boundaries is critical when dealing with unwanted spirit energies. Try to communicate peacefully with the spirit presence to understand its motives and encourage it to move on. Assert your space by clearly communicating that negative energies are not welcome in your home. Respectfully but firmly inform the spirits that they must leave or behave respectfully. This not only establishes your authority, but also creates a harmonious environment conducive to positive energy flow. Exercise caution, however, and avoid getting involved if it feels unsettling.
To create a positive, protective, and healthy energy environment in your home, consider enhancing its energy through cleansing practices, clearing rituals, and positive intentions.
Sage Smudging: A time-tested energy clearing practice for dealing with unwanted spirit energies is sage smudging, a Native American tradition known to remove negative energies. Simply light the sage bundle, let it smolder, and walk through your home, allowing the smoke to reach all areas. When using sage for smudging, it’s important to choose sustainably and ethically sourced options to respect the environment and indigenous cultures. Use only sage that has been harvested with respect for the land, ensuring that plants are not overharvested and ecosystems are preserved. Consider purchasing from indigenous suppliers who use traditional harvesting methods, supporting both cultural practices and the community economically. Always use sage respectfully, recognizing its cultural significance.
Salt Barriers: Another surefire energy clearing technique is to create salt barriers at entry points to prevent unwanted energies from entering or returning to your home. Salt has traditionally been used in various cultures to clear or protect spaces from haunting spirits or negative energies. There are many ways to do this, but the most common practice is to place lines of salt across thresholds, windows, or around the perimeter of a room or property. Salt is a crystal and acts as a cleansing and protective agent that absorbs and neutralizes negative energies, creating a barrier that spirits or negative entities cannot cross.
Transform your home into a spiritual sanctuary to act as a shield against negative energies and provide a peaceful refuge for you and your loved ones. Designate a specific area of your home as your “sacred space,” such as a meditation corner or altar, where you can practice your favorite spiritual or metaphysical practices and find solace in times of need.
Personalize this space with meaningful objects such as crystals, religious symbols, or family heirlooms that hold positive energy and bring you comfort. Cleanse and bless this sacred space regularly to maintain its protective properties and ensure that it remains a source of strength and tranquility in your home.
Use your sacred space to engage in energy-positive spiritual practices and activities such as prayer, crystal meditation, chanting, burning incense, playing soothing music, or lighting candles to uplift the energy in your home. Perform a daily ritual of setting positive intentions for the day ahead, visualizing a protective shield surrounding your home, and expressing gratitude for the safety and security of your living space.
The goal is to create an energetic environment where unwanted spirit entities do not feel welcome. By consistently infusing your home with love, light, and positivity, you can create a protective barrier against unwanted spirit energies. Remember, you have the power to invite in only those energies that are aligned with your well-being and intentions.
In some cases, dealing with unwelcome spirit energies in your home can become overwhelming and difficult to handle on your own. If you find yourself in a situation where your own efforts to deal with a haunting are failing, or you’re experiencing extremely disturbing paranormal activity, it may be time to seek the help of an expert. In such cases, seeking professional help from experienced mediums, psychics, paranormal investigators, or even an exorcist or demonologist can be a game changer.
It is recommended that you consult an expert if you are experiencing one or more of the following problems
Unexplained phenomena: If you’re experiencing unexplained and persistent phenomena in your home, such as strange noises, objects moving on their own, or sudden temperature changes, it may be time to consult a professional. They can objectively assess the situation and offer insights based on their expertise.
Personal well-being: If you or your family members are experiencing unusual physical or emotional symptoms that seem to be related to a specific location or activity in your home, consulting with experts in spiritual matters can help uncover underlying causes and solutions. If you consistently feel uneasy, anxious, or uncomfortable in certain areas of your home, even when nothing visibly alarming is happening, a professional can help determine if spiritual energies are at play and make recommendations for addressing them.
Unsuccessful attempts: If you’ve tried various methods to address the spiritual energies in your home without success, it may be beneficial to bring in professionals who specialize in paranormal investigations. Their unique skills and perspectives may offer new strategies for dealing with the situation effectively.
Remember that seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a proactive step toward understanding and managing unwanted spirit energies in your home. By working with professionals who are experienced in dealing with these situations, you can gain valuable insight and support in creating a more harmonious living environment for yourself and your family.
A Psychic, Medium and Paranormal Investigator living in New Jersey, Andrea has been a top featured internet psychic for many years. She was born with psychic gifts that made her unique in her family. At 17, she was in a horrific car accident and recalls traveling to the other side, describing the beauty beyond explanation. She received last rights, but returned with gifts that were enhanced considerably--a blessing she treasures to this day. It was her calling to stick around to help people, and this is exactly what she's been doing ever since! Her ability to help clients recall their past lives has helped many to understand where they're headed in the future. With the help of her Spirit Guides and Angels, she gives clarity on any issue, always respecting her clients, while telling it like it is. |
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