Knowing your past is as important as knowing your future. There are many hurts that are carried over into this incarnation if the soul does not heal from its previous life. Knowing who you were, how you lived, and who you loved and lost in previous lives is important so that your soul can heal in this lifetime. It is one of the keys to joy, happiness and fulfilment.
Our soul has a ‘cellular memory’. Letting go of judgment of yourself and others and healing from guilt and other emotions from past lives releases these memories and you become happier and have a new sense of freedom in this life. It allows you to move forward on your journey in this life.
Uncovering memories and gaining deeper insight into our past lives can provide several benefits for healing and personal growth in our present life. Some of the ways in which knowing about our past lives can help us grow and heal include:
Patterns and Behaviors: Recognizing recurring patterns or behaviors from past lives can provide insight into current challenges or issues. This understanding can help us address deep-seated fears, habits, or tendencies, facilitating personal growth and healing.
Resolving Karma: The concept of karma, found in many spiritual traditions, suggests that our actions in past lives can affect our current experiences. By understanding and resolving karmic debts or lessons, we can potentially alleviate current struggles, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.
Healing Relationships: Past life knowledge can provide insight into the dynamics of our relationships with family, friends, and significant others. Understanding the history and nature of these soul connections can help heal and improve these relationships in the current lifetime.
Emotional Healing: By uncovering and working through past life traumas, we can release emotional blockages that may be hindering our present lives. This process can lead to profound emotional healing and a greater sense of peace and contentment.
Trauma Closure: By revisiting and healing past life traumas, we can release emotional burdens and find closure. This process can lead to significant healing, allowing individuals to move forward more freely in their current lives.
Fears and Phobias: Unexplained fears, phobias, or anxieties can sometimes be linked to traumatic events in past lives. Uncovering and understanding these past experiences can help us confront and overcome these fears, leading to greater emotional freedom and well-being.
Personal Empowerment: Gaining insight into the strengths and accomplishments of past lives can inspire and empower us in our current lives. This knowledge can increase self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose, which helps in the pursuit of goals and aspirations.
Life Purpose: Past life knowledge can provide insight into our soul’s journey and evolution, including the talents, skills, and passions we’ve developed over time. This understanding can guide us in fulfilling our current life purpose and contribute to our sense of fulfillment and well-being.
Spiritual Growth: Understanding one’s past lives can contribute to a deeper sense of spiritual connection and soul evolution. It can provide valuable lessons, increase empathy and compassion, and encourage us to live more consciously and meaningfully.
Soul contracts are agreements that we make before we incarnate. This includes various soul agreements that we make with other souls in previous lifetimes. Every soul you have ever known in other lives you will know again in this lifetime or future lives.
We are here to learn the lessons that are written in our soul contract that we made while we were on the other side. We choose our parents, our children, our family, our friends, our challenges and good times, and anyone else we choose to love and learn from. Understanding the connection between our past lives and the soul contract agreements we’ve made can contribute significantly to our healing and growth in this lifetime.
For example, by gaining deeper insight into our soul contracts with others, we can recognize the purpose behind our challenging relationships, friendships, and social or professional connections, allowing us to work through unresolved issues and move toward forgiveness and healing. Understanding that we have lived many lives in different circumstances also increases our compassion and empathy for others. Recognizing that others are also on their own soul journeys can foster a sense of unity and interconnectedness.
Soulmate relationships are often rooted in long-standing soul agreements from previous lives. The types of past life soul mates we may encounter in this lifetime include:
These are souls with whom we have karmic debts or unresolved issues from past lives. Encounters with karmic soulmates are often intense and challenging, but are meant to help us learn important lessons, resolve past karma, and grow spiritually. Relationships with karmic soulmates can be transformative, pushing us toward self-awareness and healing.
Often friends or family members, Companion Soulmates come into our lives to provide support, love and companionship. These relationships are usually harmonious and comforting. The bond with a companion soulmate is strong and enduring, providing stability and mutual growth through various stages of life.
Considered one of the most intense connections, a twin flame is thought to be the other half of your soul. It is believed that when a soul reaches a certain level of development, it splits in two and incarnates in two separate bodies. Twin flame relationships are characterized by a profound sense of intimacy and a deep, intense connection. These relationships can be both challenging and healing, as twin flames often mirror each other’s issues, fears and insecurities, forcing each to confront their shadow selves for the sake of mutual growth.
These are souls with whom we have had significant relationships in previous lives. Meeting a past life soulmate can bring a sense of deep recognition and an inexplicable bond. The nature of the relationship may change from lifetime to lifetime – what was once a romantic connection may manifest as friendship or mentorship in the current incarnation, but the deep connection remains.
These soulmates come together for the purpose of experiencing love and growth in a romantic context. The relationship is characterized by love, respect and a deep connection that helps both individuals to evolve. Romantic soulmates help each other work through personal issues and reach their highest potential.
These are souls who come into our lives specifically for the purpose of healing. The relationship may not last after the healing is complete, but the impact is profound and lasting. Healing soul mates help us to heal from past traumas and guide us to our own power and wholeness.
These are groups of souls who incarnate together repeatedly, taking on different roles in each other’s lives to help each other learn and evolve. Members of the same soul family or group share a deep, underlying connection and often feel “at home” when they are together.
Understanding and recognizing the different types of soulmates can provide insight into our relationships and life experiences, offering a deeper appreciation of our journey and the connections that shape us.
I must mention here that it is truly disturbing to see how the concept of soulmate relationships is often twisted these days to make excuses for toxic and abusive behavior in relationships. Just because we face the challenges that come with these deep soul connections doesn’t mean it’s okay for things to get abusive or traumatic. That is not what soulmate agreements are about.
Soulmate relationships in all forms are meant to help us grow, heal from our past, and evolve spiritually in this lifetime. Yes, they can be challenging, but they’re not meant to destroy our well-being or break our spirit. Let’s be clear: abuse has no place in spirituality. Putting up with someone who clearly is hurting you and thinking it’s all part of your spiritual journey is just wrong. No one should ever have to put up with abuse, no matter what kind of soul connection you think you may have. Abuse is a big no-no and it’s definitely not a sign of sacred love or a true spiritual connection.
If you find yourself in an abusive relationship situation, please know that it’s super important to get help and get out of it. There are tons of resources and people ready to support you, and you don’t have to face this alone.
In the context of past lives and spiritual evolution, an old soul is someone who has had many incarnations and has accumulated a wealth of experience, wisdom, and spiritual insight through these various lives.
An “old soul” is usually a person who appears wise beyond their years and is often highly individual, unique, unusual, or even eccentric. It is usually someone who has an unconventional outlook on life or a deeper understanding of human nature and the world we live in. Old souls have a deeper understanding of life, the universe, and the spiritual laws that govern existence, which distinguishes them from younger souls who may be earlier in their evolutionary journey.
How do you know if you are an old soul? Well, if you can see the bigger picture of things, and you always want to learn more, then your current life is probably not your “first rodeo. Old souls tend to be highly intuitive and empathic. Their psychic senses are heightened, and they understand who they are in this lifetime.
Old souls are drawn to wisdom and truth. They are not attracted to superficial lifestyles and trivial pursuits. They are not materialistic. Instead, they focus on the beauty and simple joys of life rather than the indulgences of material wealth and luxury. They feel the need to follow their own path in life, seeking their own truth and understanding, free from the opinions and views of others. They want to understand more about life and what makes things tick, and they live their lives as they choose, finding meaning and inner peace on their own terms.
They are also discerning about the people they associate with and will not get involved in superficial relationships. They would rather be alone than be with people they cannot relate to. They usually prefer the company of older people. They usually have little interest in pursuing friends and partners in their own age group. They want to associate with people they can relate to on a more mature level. They generally have no time for toxic people, energy thieves and idle gossip – it tends to annoy them.
Some old souls do not see their own worth or value. Their wisdom and tendency toward deep contemplation of life’s mysteries tend to make them humble, self-deprecating, and even shy or introverted. Sometimes this can make them feel very alone, isolated, or misunderstood. If you are an Old Soul, embrace it and be proud of it, for you are extraordinary and truly blessed.
Here are some key characteristics and concepts associated with old souls, especially as they relate to past lives:
Advanced spiritual understanding: Old souls are believed to have a deeper understanding of spiritual truths and principles, often feeling a strong connection to the universe and a sense of oneness with all living beings. This understanding comes from lessons learned and knowledge accumulated over many lifetimes.
Sense of detachment: Old souls may exhibit a certain detachment from the materialistic and superficial aspects of the world. They tend to value deep relationships, meaningful experiences, and personal growth over material wealth or social status.
Innate wisdom: With many lifetimes of experience, Old Souls are often considered wise beyond their years, even from a young age. They have an intuitive understanding of life’s complexities and often serve as guides or mentors to others.
Karmic maturity: Having gone through numerous incarnations, old souls are thought to have worked through much of their karma. They may have fewer karmic debts to resolve in their current lives, allowing them a smoother, more introspective life path focused on spiritual growth rather than overcoming external challenges.
Empathy and compassion: Old souls tend to be very empathetic and compassionate, deeply attuned to the emotions and needs of others. This sensitivity is a result of their vast experience in various forms and circumstances, which fosters a deep understanding and tolerance for different perspectives and life choices.
Feeling of not belonging: It is common for Old Souls to feel like outsiders, or that they don’t quite fit into mainstream society. This may stem from their advanced spiritual perspective and the feeling that their true home is not in this physical world, but somewhere more aligned with their evolved soul.
Purpose and mission: Many old souls feel that they have a specific purpose or mission in their current life. This may involve teaching, healing, guiding others, or contributing to the betterment of humanity in some way, driven by a desire to share the wisdom they’ve accumulated and help raise the collective consciousness.
Past life memories or affinities: Old souls may have more pronounced memories or affinities related to their past lives, manifesting as déjà vu, unexplained abilities, or a strong attraction to certain cultures, time periods, or geographic locations.
Old souls are nearing the completion of their cycle of reincarnation, approaching a state of enlightenment or liberation, where the soul may no longer need to incarnate for lessons, but may choose to assist others in their spiritual evolution as spirit guides or ancestral guardians.
Uncovering and learning more about your past lives can be a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. There are several ways to explore your past incarnations:
Past Life Regression: This technique involves entering a deep state of relaxation or hypnosis to access memories of past lives. It’s usually conducted by a trained therapist who guides you through the process and helps you explore significant events or patterns that may be affecting your current life.
Psychic Readings: Psychics and mediums who specialize in past life readings can provide insights into your past incarnations. It’s important to approach these readings with discernment and to choose a reputable reader.
Akashic Readings: The Akashic Records are the “cosmic library” of every soul’s experiences and past lives. Akashic readers are psychics or mediums who can access these records and provide insight into your past lives and how they affect your current life path.
Spiritual Practices: Certain spiritual traditions offer practices and rituals aimed at uncovering memories of past lives. These may include chanting, drumming, or participating in specific ceremonies designed to open deeper levels of consciousness.
Meditation Practices: Regular meditation can help quiet the mind and open the door to deeper subconscious memories. Specific visualization techniques that focus on the intention to remember past lives can sometimes lead to spontaneous memories or insights related to past incarnations.
Dream Analysis: Paying attention to dreams, especially those that are particularly vivid, symbolic, or recurring, can provide clues to past life experiences. Keeping a dream journal and reflecting on the emotions, settings, and characters in your dreams can help uncover past life memories.
Energy Healing: Some energy healing modalities, such as Reiki, Quantum Healing, or Theta Healing, can facilitate the release of past life trauma or blockages. Practitioners of these modalities sometimes receive intuitive insights into your past lives during a session.
Historical Research: An intense interest in a particular historical period or place is always worthwhile to explore further through research, reading and study. This exploration combined with spiritual practices can help to trigger past life memories.
Artistic Exploration: Engaging in creative activities such as writing or painting with the intention of exploring past lives can sometimes lead to surprising insights. Allowing your creativity to flow freely without judgment can open channels to unconscious past life memories.
It’s important to approach past life exploration with an open mind and heart, without becoming overly attached to the identities or narratives that may emerge. The goal is to seek understanding and healing that can contribute to your growth and well-being in this lifetime.
A Psychic, Medium and Paranormal Investigator living in New Jersey, Andrea has been a top featured internet psychic for many years. She was born with psychic gifts that made her unique in her family. At 17, she was in a horrific car accident and recalls traveling to the other side, describing the beauty beyond explanation. She received last rights, but returned with gifts that were enhanced considerably--a blessing she treasures to this day. It was her calling to stick around to help people, and this is exactly what she's been doing ever since! Her ability to help clients recall their past lives has helped many to understand where they're headed in the future. With the help of her Spirit Guides and Angels, she gives clarity on any issue, always respecting her clients, while telling it like it is. If you'd like an informative reading with a caring, kind, accurate Psychic and Medium, Andrea Grace is the one for you. |
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