Years ago I had the privilege of owning a beautiful, sleek black cat, officially named “Midnight Mercedes Amadeus”, but more simply known as “Fluffy.”
I am very fond of black cats and absolutely adored this one. Fluffy was adventurous and extremely easy to get along with. We spent many happy hours together just enjoying life.
One day I noticed that Fluffy did not seem to be feeling well, and as it continued, I decided that I had better take him to the vet to find out what the problem might be.
I took him to a new clinic near my home because I did not want Fluffy to suffer any longer than necessary. As soon as I walked into the waiting room and saw the vet, I knew that Fluffy did not like her one bit. How did I know? Well, the cat told me telepathically, of course.
Anyway, Fluffy needed to see a doctor. So off we went. The vet was not sure what the problem was, but suggested giving Fluffy a cortisone shot “just in case.”
“Just in case of what?” I heard Fluffy ask indignantly.
Well, we would never find out, because this time I totally agreed with the cat. I let the speculating vet know that this kind of medical experimentation on my beloved Midnight Mercedes Amadeus was totally unacceptable. Angrily, I took my beautiful cat home!
It soon became clear however that Fluffy’s health was not improving, and I was at my wit’s end trying to find a solution to his wellness dilemma. Then it occurred to me to simply ask the cat what his problem might be. Why had I not thought of this before? How wonderfully simple it all became!
Well, Fluffy was very forthcoming and immediately let me know that his problem was due to a nutritional deficiency, which upon further investigation I discovered was a lack of magnesium in his diet. Eureka!
The next morning, bright and early, I made my way to the local pet store, confident that all of our problems would be quickly solved. I marched up to the lady behind the counter and told her I needed a magnesium supplement for my cat. She asked me if the vet had recommended it, and of course I answered honestly, “No, the cat told me.
“The cat told you?” she asked with a raised eyebrow that soon turned to a sideways glance.
“Yes,” I repeated confidently, “the cat told me.”
By this time, the woman was calmly backing away from me (was it my imagination, or was her hand searching for a panic button?)
“Why don’t you ask the vet?” she asked again.
“Why would I ask the vet,” I replied, “when I have the cat?”
It was clear from this exchange that the clerk was not going to be much help, and I needed the magnesium for my beloved Fluffy!
As synchronicity would have it, a fellow pet lover was standing nearby during our conversation and overheard the entire exchange. As it turns out, he is very knowledgeable about feline nutrition and made sure I knew exactly what I needed and even showed me where to find it. I purchased my product from the unhelpful salesperson and returned home safely to care for my sick boy.
Once Fluffy was on the right food, he recovered quickly. We lived together for many years and continued to talk. The cat even went so far as to tell me about some of his past life experiences. Interestingly, they were all incarnations as some kind of creature. The French critic and historian Hippolyte Taine is reported to have said, “I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely greater.”
Our arrangement for two worked beautifully until Fluffy got fed up and decided to leave this crazy world for a more heavenly plane of existence. Since then, I have shared my life with other cats. As much as I love them all, I still miss the special bond I had with my dear Fluffy. But rest assured, if there is ever a problem of any kind, I will always trust the cat in my life before anyone else.
Have you ever had the feeling that your pet understands you and vice versa without a single word being spoken? Well, that’s the magic of telepathic communication! Unlike verbal cues, telepathy involves a direct exchange of thoughts and mental images between you and your beloved pet. This unspoken language allows for a deeper level of understanding and empathy, strengthening the beautiful human-animal bond.
As animal lovers and pet enthusiasts, tuning into our pets’ thoughts and feelings is immensely rewarding. Understanding your pets’ subtle cues, energy exchanges, and telepathic messages can enhance the joy of pet ownership and strengthen the special bond you share with your animal. It brings a new dimension to your relationship with your furry friends.
Imagine this: You come home after a long day, feeling tired and a little down. As soon as you enter the room, your pet rushes to you, showering you with love and joy. How did they know? Through energetic connections! Our thoughts and emotions emit energy that our pets can sense and return. This invisible connection transcends words and forms a powerful link that enriches the mutual bond between pet owners and their furry companions. The more we open our hearts and minds to this extraordinary connection, the deeper our relationships with our pets will blossom.
Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist and parapsychology researcher known for his hypothesis of “morphic resonance,” has conducted several studies on animal telepathy. His work in this area focuses primarily on the idea that animals, including pets, can communicate with humans and each other through a form of telepathy. He believes that telepathy is a natural aspect of the biological world and that psychic phenomena are therefore an extension of biology.
Morphic resonance is a form of memory inherent in nature. All natural systems, such as biological organisms, social groups, ecosystems, and even chemical compounds, inherit a collective memory from all previous things of their kind. Sheldrake further argues that morphic resonance involves non-physical information or memory fields that influence systems across time and space, enabling them to adopt characteristics more easily if similar systems have adopted those same characteristics before.
According to Sheldrake, these morphic fields contain the informational patterns for how structures form and behaviors emerge, not just in biological entities but across all nature’s systems. For example, he suggests that if rats in one part of the world learn a new maze, rats in other parts of the world should be able to learn it more quickly, due to the morphic resonance generated by the first group’s learning experience. Similarly, Sheldrake applies this concept to explain phenomena such as the development of new habits in species, the crystallization of chemicals that haven’t previously existed, and even telepathic abilities and the sense of being stared at.
Sheldrake’s findings and theories regarding animal telepathy is detailed in his book Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals include key points:
Anticipating Owners’ Return: Sheldrake has collected numerous case studies of dogs and other animals that seemingly anticipate the return of their owners, even when these returns occur at irregular times or under circumstances that would preclude the animal knowing about the owner’s imminent arrival through ordinary sensory cues.
Telepathic Alerts: He has also explored cases where pets appear to respond to their owners’ distress or needs at a distance, suggesting a telepathic connection that enables the pet to know when their owner is in trouble, sick, or experiencing strong emotions.
Sense of Direction: Sheldrake has investigated stories of animals that find their way home over long distances, beyond the capability of ordinary sensory navigation, suggesting that these animals might be guided by telepathic connections with their owners or by some form of “morphic field” that helps them navigate.
Sheldrake proposes that these phenomena can be explained by what he calls a “morphic field,” which is a field that connects all living beings and allows for the transmission of information across distances without the use of the known senses. According to Sheldrake, these fields enable telepathic communication and collective memory sharing across individual members of a species.
Communication is the key to any relationship, and the same is true for our bond with our furry friends. By delving into the realms of telepathic and energetic communication, we can take our understanding and connection with our pets to a whole new level.
Understanding our pets’ behavior is essential to maintaining a harmonious relationship. Through telepathic communication, we can tap into our pets’ thoughts and emotions and gain valuable insight into why they behave the way they do. By empathizing with their perspective, we can address underlying issues that may be causing behavioral problems.
You are able to communicate with your pet on a level beyond words, where you can truly understand their needs and desires. This deeper connection not only helps resolve existing behavior problems, but also prevents future misunderstandings, paving the way for a more fulfilling and enriching relationship.
Pets, like people, sometimes experience physical and emotional distress. Energetic communication is a powerful tool for providing comfort and support during these difficult moments. By sending positive energy and intentions to our pets, we can create a calming and healing environment in which they can thrive.
Think of energetic communication as a warm hug that wraps your pet in a blanket of love and healing energy. Whether it’s comforting them during a visit to the vet or helping them recover from an illness, this form of communication can do wonders to ease their suffering and restore their well-being.
By honing our intuitive skills, we can pick up on their subtle cues and vibrations. Like tuning a radio to the right frequency, we can tune in to their energy signals and respond with love and empathy.
Imagine those heartwarming moments when you lock eyes with your pet and it feels like you can read each other’s minds. These instances of pure connection are instances of telepathic communion where words are unnecessary and love speaks volumes. Embrace these moments of pure joy and revel in the beauty of understanding and being understood by your furry companion.
In the world of telepathic and energetic communication, love is the universal language that transcends all barriers. When we open our hearts and minds to our pets, we create a space where love flows freely, nourishing our souls and strengthening the bond we share. Embrace the unspoken language of love and revel in the joy of connecting with your furry friends on a deeper, more soulful level.
Every interaction with our pets is an opportunity to nurture our connection and deepen our understanding. By approaching these moments with mindfulness and presence, we create a sacred space for telepathic communication to flourish. Engage with your pets in a spirit of curiosity, respect, and love, and watch the joy of shared understanding blossom between you.
Telepathic communication allows us to have silent conversations with our pets using thoughts, emotions, and mental imagery. It’s like having a secret language that transcends verbal communication and body language. With practice and patience, we can learn to send and receive messages, deepening our bond and fostering mutual understanding.
Developing telepathic communication with pets involves honing your intuition and learning to understand and interpret the energetic signals that animals use to communicate. It is an intuitive or empathic connection that can be developed over time. Here are some steps that can help you deepen your connection with your pet and perhaps develop a more intuitive understanding of their needs and thoughts:
Cultivate mindfulness: Begin with meditation or any practice that helps you quiet your mind. Meditation can help you quiet your mind and become more receptive to subtle cues, both internal and external. This calmness can create a more open space for a potential connection with your pet. A calm mind is crucial to intuitive communication. Be fully present with your pet, without distractions such as the phone or television. Presence strengthens your connection and makes it easier to pick up on subtle cues.
Strengthen your bond: Build a strong foundation of trust and love with your pet. This may include spending quality time together, meeting their physical and emotional needs, and being attuned to their body language and behaviors.
Observe your pet: Spend time observing your pet without distraction. Notice their body language, facial expressions, sounds, and behaviors. Understanding your pet’s normal behavior will help you notice any changes that may indicate their thoughts or feelings.
Simple messages: Begin by sending simple, positive messages to your pet through your thoughts and feelings. Imagine projecting these thoughts and feelings to your pet and observe any response or change in behavior.
Focus on feelings and emotions: Telepathic communication can also occur through emotions and feelings rather than thoughts and words. Try focusing on the love, care, or specific message you want to communicate to our pet and visualize it as a gentle energy or feeling.
Use visualization: Animals are thought to be very receptive to images or mental pictures. Try visualizing actions or things you want to communicate to your pet. For example, visualize going for a walk if you want to communicate that idea to your dog.
Be receptive: Just as you project thoughts or feelings to your pet, be open to receiving them. This may come in the form of feelings, images, or a strong sense of knowing.
Keep a journal: Document your experiences, observations, and any communication you believe you have had with your pet. Over time, you may begin to see patterns or confirmations of your intuitive communications.
Attend workshops or classes: There are workshops and classes offered by animal communicators that can provide techniques and guidance for developing your intuitive communication skills.
Practice regularly: Like any skill, intuitive communication improves with practice. Set aside regular time to connect with your pet in this way.
Stay grounded: It’s important to stay grounded and ensure that your pet’s basic needs for health, nutrition and exercise are being met. Intuitive communication should supplement, not replace, traditional care and understanding of animal behavior.
Here’s a meditation exercise that can help you become more telepathically connected to your pet and improve your psychic communication skills with them:
Find a quiet place: Choose a quiet, comfortable, distraction-free place where you and your pet won’t be disturbed. Relaxation and mindfulness are key to opening up to telepathic communication.
Relax together: Sit or lie down next to your pet. Allow your pet to come to you or be close to you in a way that’s comfortable for them. The goal is to share a peaceful space without forcing interaction.
Breathe and relax: Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and relax your body. Focus on grounding yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet or body into the earth, stabilizing and centering you.
Calm your mind: Release any distracting thoughts or tensions. Focus on the present moment and the peacefulness of sharing space with your pet.
Set clear intentions: Before attempting to communicate, set a clear intention in your mind. Focus on connecting with your pet and being receptive to any impressions or insights.
Visualize a connection: Close your eyes and visualize your pet in your mind’s eye. Imagine their presence, their energy, and their unique personality. With a calm mind, visualize a beam of light or energy connecting your heart to your pet’s heart. Imagine this connection as a channel of unconditional love and understanding.
Send thoughts and images: Without using words, mentally send positive thoughts and images from your mind to your pet. Focus on your love for your pet and send those feelings through the Heart Link. Visualize your pet receiving your love and feeling safe and valued. Trust that your pet is receiving these energetic signals.
Listen intuitively: Be receptive. Pay attention to any impressions or feelings you receive in return. Open your mind to receive any feelings, images, or thoughts that come from your pet. It may come as a sudden thought, an emotion, or an intuitive sense of what your pet wants or needs. This step requires patience and an open heart. Remember, the goal is not to “hear words” but to sense your pet’s emotional or energetic state.
Express gratitude: Whether you sense communication or not, thank your pet for sharing this time with you. Feel gratitude for the bond you share.
Gently return: Slowly bring your attention back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you’re ready, open your eyes. Continue to sit quietly with your pet, allowing for a natural transition out of meditation.
Observe behavior: Notice any changes in your pet’s behavior after attempting telepathic communication. Subtle changes in their body language or actions are often their response.
Practice regularly: Regular practice can improve your intuitive connection. You may not notice immediate results, but over time you will become more attuned to your pet’s needs and emotions. Developing telepathic communication takes practice. Be patient with yourself and your animal. Trust that the connection will strengthen over time.
Remember, this exercise is about developing a deeper emotional and intuitive connection with your pet. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, patience, and nonverbal communication, which are key components of a strong relationship with animals.
Kitty is a Canadian Intuitive, born into a large family of clairvoyants and clairaudients. A local celebrity, she's been giving accurate predictions in her paper for over fifteen years now, and is often called upon to lead séances and provide readings at Psychic Fairs in Vancouver. A trained counselor, she combines her natural Gifts to detect blockages at their root, and provide detailed psychic information and practical advice for success and happiness. She's helped locate missing items and people, has communicated messages from loved ones who've passed on, and communicates with two Sacred Celestial Beings who are unerring in the startling information they provide. Do get a psychic reading with this remarkable Intuitive, whose talent spans generations. |
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