Embracing The Blessed Gift Of Psychic Mediumship

Psychic trance medium channels spirit messages from the angelic realm Psychic trance medium channels spirit messages from the angelic realm Psychic trance medium channels spirit messages from the angelic realm Psychic trance medium channels spirit messages from the angelic realm  

It is often assumed that psychics and mediums do exactly the same spiritual work, but there is a key difference between the two.

Psychics use their intuition or psychic abilities to channel readings about the past, present and future as it relates to a living person in the physical world.

Mediums, on the other hand, are psychics who are specifically able to communicate with the spirit realm to channel readings regarding the deceased, ancestors, and other spiritual entities.

In Spiritualism, the term “medium” refers to a person with the ability to produce phenomena of a mental or physical nature by channeling or communicating with a spiritual entity.

A medium therefore mediates communication or acts as a “messenger” or “agent” between living people and the spirit realm. This gift or ability is called mediumship.

There are three forms of mediumship, of which mental mediumship, also called psychic mediumship, is the best known and most commonly practiced. The others are physical mediumship and trance mediumship.

Mental Mediumship

Mental mediumship uses only the mind and is a purely mental phenomenon. A mental medium channels the thought vibrations of familiar spirits or spirits of the dead, such as our deceased relatives and ancestors. The medium therefore communicates telepathically with spirits beings through their mind. This can include receiving thoughts, ideas, mental images, or emotions from spirits as if having a mental conversation with them.


Mental mediumship can include perceptions of clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing), clairaudience (hearing), clairempathy (feeling), clairolfaction (smelling), clairgustance (tasting), and clairtangence (touching). These mental aspects express more of a medium’s personality than the physical aspects, since all thoughts come through the instrument’s mind.


1The sending and receiving of thought vibrations or waves by the human mind has been known to man since the dawn of time. Telepathy and psychokinesis have also been studied extensively in parapsychology. I believe that the thought vibrations sent out from the human brain take form and persist in the ether after the individual who sent them has forgotten all about them.

These thought vibrations have the ability to interact with the thought waves of others within the same range of vibration. In other words, like attracts like. A person who thinks thoughts of a certain nature will attract from the ether thoughts of a similar nature sent out by others. Each individual is a sending and also a receiving “station,” all tuned to a unique frequency or rate of vibration. Therefore, it is best to send out those types of thoughts that will attract only similar thoughts of a constructive nature.

As a psychic medium, I also know that an person’s mentality persists after the transition of consciousness called “death.” The physical human brain dies, but the spirit mind does not perish because it is eternal. I also know that it is possible for the spirit to develop the ability to contact thought vibrations emitted by otherworldly minds or entities and then transmit them to their loved ones on earth.

Mediumship is therefore a matter of vibrational attunement, or adjusting one’s own energy frequency, as well as the cultivation of higher spiritual consciousness. The vibrations of thought sent out by spirit beings are of a higher vibratory range because they are not burdened by material things, so the medium must raise her vibration in order to form a point of contact with those in spirit.


A pea-sized gland called the pineal gland is located in the human brain just above the spinal column. The esoteric concept of the ‘third eye’ derives from the primary function of this small neuroendocrine gland, which is to secrete melatonin. This hormone contains light-sensitive cells that control our circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle. I believe that this organ is like the receiver of a wireless device and therefore acts as a receptor. I also believe that attunement to the vibrations of Spirit is done through this gland.

Physical Mediumship

A physical medium is a less common type of medium through which spirits are able to physically interact with the material world. Physical mediumship is therefore the manipulation of energies and energy systems by spirits using the medium as conduit. This form of mediumship produces a variety of manifested phenomena or physical manifestations that can be observed by others:

Materialized spirit apparitions or spirits appearing in physical form.
– Spirits that communicate through vocalizations, sounds or noises.
Apports, which are objects that appear, disappear, move, or float in the air without any visible means of support.
Ectoplasm, which is a viscous, gelatinous substance or spirit energy exteriorized through the body of the physical medium.

Trance Mediumship

A trance medium is a more specialized type of medium who essentially combines mental mediumship with a form of physical mediumship by entering a trance state, also known as an “altered state of consciousness,” in order to channel messages and information from specific spirit personalities or the broader spirit realm.

In this altered state of consciousness, the medium’s own mind temporarily steps aside to allow a spirit entity to communicate directly through them. It is also known as spirit-controlled mediumship because the trance medium allows the spirit to take control of his or her mind and body to varying degrees for the purpose of communication. In addition to channeling information as a reading, it can also be practiced as inspirational speaking, automatic writing, and even energy healing.

The Origins Of Modern Mediumship

Mediumship as we practice it today has its roots primarily in Spiritualism, a religious and philosophical movement that emerged in the mid-19th century and was characterized by a belief in communication with the spirits of the dead. The movement gained popularity in the United States and Europe at a time of growing interest in mysticism, the occult, and the study of the supernatural.

Major milestones in the history of spiritualism and modern mediumship include:

Hydesville Rappings (1848): The modern Spiritualist movement is often traced back to events in Hydesville, New York, in 1848. The Fox sisters, Margaret and Kate, we are able to communicate spirits through rapping or tapping sounds. These events sparked interest in mediumship and communication with the spirit world.

Spread of Spiritualism (1850s-1860s): The movement quickly gained momentum and spread throughout the United States and Europe. Mediums, individuals who claimed the ability to communicate with the spirit world, became central figures in Spiritualist circles.

Spiritualist churches and organizations: As the movement grew, Spiritualist churches and organizations were formed to provide a formal structure for meetings, rituals, and the development of mediumistic skills. The National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) in the United States is an example of such an organization.

Theosophical Society (1875): While not strictly a spiritualist organization, the Theosophical Society, founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, played a significant role in the exploration of spiritual and esoteric ideas. The Society promoted the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science, and influenced the development of modern spiritual thought.

Golden Age of Mediumship: The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a proliferation of mediumship demonstrations, séances, and psychic phenomena. Mediums such as Florence Cook, Leonora Piper, and Eusapia Palladino became famous for their alleged ability to communicate with spirits or produce physical manifestations.

Decline and Revival: The credibility of some mediums was questioned, leading to skepticism and a decline in the popularity of spiritualism in the mid-20th century. However, there has been a resurgence of interest in recent decades, with contemporary mediums claiming to channel spirits, provide insights, and offer healing. In the second half of the 20th century, spiritualism became closely associated with the New Age movement, which emphasized spiritual exploration, holistic healing, and personal transformation. Many modern psychic mediums operate within this broader spiritual and metaphysical context.

Spiritualism and mediumship continue to be diverse and evolving fields, with a range of beliefs and practices influenced by cultural, religious, and metaphysical perspectives. The phenomenon remains a source of fascination and inquiry for those interested in exploring the mysteries of existence and the afterlife.

The question of whether mediumship and communication with spirits can be scientifically validated remains a topic of debate. Some researchers have succesfully conducted studies of mediumistic phenomena, while others remain skeptical of the paranormal claims associated with spiritualism. The Institute of Noetic Sciences” (IONS) has become known in recent years for its leading-edge research in the broader field of consciousness studies, exploring topics related to consciousness, spirituality, channeling, mediumship and psychic abilities.

The Ancient Roots Of Mediumship

The concept of communication with the spirit world, or of intermediaries who connect with divine or supernatural forces, is not unique to the 19th-century spiritualist movement. Throughout history, various cultures and religious traditions have embraced forms of mediumship or practices similar to what we might recognize today.


The Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece is one of the most famous examples of mediumship. Priestesses at the temple of Apollo in Delphi channeled the messages of the gods and offered prophecies. Various mystery religions in ancient Greece and Rome involved secret rites and ceremonies in which participants sought a direct connection with the divine. Initiates often believed that they could receive divine guidance through these practices. Sibyls were prophetesses or female oracles who were believed to have the ability to communicate with deities and convey divine messages.


Ancient Egyptians practiced various forms of magic and divination, including scrying (looking into reflective surfaces), dream interpretation, and oracular pronouncements. Priests and priestesses often served as intermediaries between the people and the divine.


In many indigenous cultures around the world, shamans or spiritual leaders act as intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds. They are believed to have the ability to communicate with spirits for guidance, healing, and divination. Various ancient cultures performed rituals and ceremonies involving trance states, chanting, and dancing to invoke spiritual beings or ancestors.


Taoism in China has a long history of practices involving communication with spirits and the divine. Taoist priests traditionally act as intermediaries during rituals and ceremonies. In Japan, the miko (shrine maiden) traditionally played a role in communicating with kami (spirits or gods) and performing divination rituals.


In the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), prophets received messages from God and passed them on to the people. Prophetic visions and dreams were common elements of these prophecies.

There is a well-known reference in the Old Testament to a spiritual medium known as the Witch of Endor (1 Samuel chapter 28). The story takes place during the reign of King Saul. Saul was troubled as the Philistine army gathered for battle, and he sought guidance from God. However, God did not answer him through the traditional means of seeking divine guidance, such as dreams and prophecies. Desperate for guidance, Saul decided to consult the renowned medium. He disguised himself and went to the city of Endor to seek out her services.

Saul asked the medium to summon the spirit of Samuel, the late prophet, so that he could inquire about the outcome of the impending battle. The medium hesitated at first, fearing Saul’s possible wrath if she were discovered to be breaking the law (mediumship was outlawed), but Saul assured her that no harm would come to her. The medium then performed a ritual, and an apparition resembling Samuel appeared. Saul spoke to the spirit, and Samuel delivered a message of impending doom. Samuel revealed that Saul and his sons would die in battle the next day.

Distraught by the message, Saul fell to the ground. The medium tried to comfort him by offering him food, but Saul refused. The next day, as predicted, Saul and his sons died in battle against the Philistines.

These examples illustrate that the idea of intermediaries or individuals with the ability to communicate with the spirit world is a cross-cultural and historical phenomenon. While the terminology and practices may differ, the underlying concept of connecting with the divine or receiving messages from beyond the veil has ancient roots that predate the formalization of modern spiritualism in the 19th century.

The Gift Of Mediumship

Spirit teaches that every human soul has the ability to develop a phase or level of mediumship. We cannot choose the degree of mediumship we wish to develop, for we may not be able to produce the particular phase we desire. However, mediumship is a sacred gift and worthy of every effort the individual can make. Mediumship blesses our lives in many profound ways:


Through mediumship we receive proof of the continuity of life, which removes all fear of death. It is a source of hope and reassurance for people seeking proof of an existence beyond our earthly life. We also receive the comfort of communicating with our loved ones who have transitioned to a higher stage of life and gain insight and knowledge of the conditions in that higher stage of life. The ability to receive messages from the other side also provides comfort, reassurance, and closure when grieving the loss of a loved one.


Mediumship facilitates guidance from the spirit world, offering advice or information that may be relevant to living our best lives. This guidance can cover many aspects of daily life, including relationships, career decisions and personal development. Mediumship is also a means of educating others about spirituality, the afterlife, and the interconnectedness of all beings. It raises our spiritual awareness and promotes a deeper understanding of spiritual principles.


Trance mediumship in particular can provide a deeper understanding of the metaphysical laws that govern the universe and all that is within it. Through our understanding and application of these universal laws, we realize that we are the masters of our own destiny and that we can truly be, do, or have whatever we wish, as long as it serves the greater good.

Personally, I have been extremely fortunate in my search for evidence of life after death and universal wisdom, both as a spiritual and physical medium. I have also had the rare privilege of accompanying some of my own loved ones as they crossed over, also known as a shared death experience.

In some cases, I have personally experienced the etheric peace and comfort of the Infinite and the exquisite sacred beauty of our future journey in the spirit realm. I am also fortunate to frequently experience telepathic encounters with both my own loved ones and my clients’ deceased relatives and ancestors.

It is an honor to assist in lifting the veil for those who remain in this world for the purpose of validation, comfort, healing, and completion of unfinished business. Most of all, it is a joy to pass on affirmations of love and continued connection between those in this life and the next.


Mountain Sage 

  About The Author: Mountain Sage

For thirty-six years, Mountain Sage has been providing her much sought after insight, coaching and spiritual counseling to clients locally, as well as internationally. Many other psychics, spiritual counselors and healers, professionals, celebrities, and individuals of all backgrounds, have relied on her gifts to find their way through muddled times. Mountain Sage is the student of an exalted Gurugi in Bombay, and Shaman of the Fireheart Sweat Lodge in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her extensive training includes Oracle, Healing, Universal Laws & Principles, the Sacred Circle and Psychic Shielding. She specializes in Ascended Masters, Altars, and Minerals. She holds the great honor of Oracle Carrier by her tribe due to her outstanding psychic ability, passion for the psychic realm, integrity and sacred work. She blends mystical understanding with practical application, and her art is connecting with the Divine.



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