Runic divination is not the most popular or well-known form of divination in modern times. However, once you start working with these little magical tablets, you will discover that it is a powerful and fascinating spiritual practice and psychic tool for predicting the future.
Runic divination is an ancient form of divination that has its roots in Norse mythology and Germanic cultural tradition. It involves the use of runes, which are letters from various runic alphabets used by early Germanic peoples, including the Elder Futhark, the oldest form of the runic alphabet, consisting of 24 symbols that existed long before the Latin alphabet was adopted in the late Middle Ages.
The history of runes is as fascinating as the runes themselves. Believed to have originated in Scandinavia around the time of Jesus’ birth, runes can be written from left to right or right to left, and the words are based on the sounds they represent. The shape of the runes varied greatly from region to region. Each of the ancient runic symbols represents a specific phonetic sound. These symbols are traditionally believed to have magical and predictive powers.
For casting runes the mystical symbols are typically inscribed on small stones, pieces of bone, wood, or other materials. The runes are traditionally cast on a mat or on the ground in a specific area, and their positions and proximity to each other are interpreted by the caster to gain insight into the question or situation at hand. The interpretation of the runes is not only about the meaning of the symbols themselves, but also considers the way they fall and their relationship to each other, adding layers of complexity to the reading.
Runic casting has been used for centuries as a tool for spiritual guidance, decision making, and personal reflection. It’s seen as a way to connect with the ancient wisdom of the Norse gods and the universe. While its popularity has waxed and waned over the centuries, rune casting has seen a resurgence in recent years, especially among practitioners interested in paganism, Norse mythology, and esoteric mysticism. It can be used for personal growth, spiritual development, and divination, much like tarot card reading or astrology.
It has become a modern trend to read runes in a manner similar to tarot cards, by drawing individual runes and laying them out in a formal spread. Traditionally, however, rune casting is done in a manner more akin to African bone casting. Similar to Tarot and the I Ching, it is also an intuitive art that is not limited by strict interpretative definitions and pedantic rules. For this reason, there has been a growing interest in intuitive rune reading as opposed to prescriptive traditional casting.
Getting started with intuitive rune casting involves both learning about the runes to develop a solid understanding of the tradition, as well as developing a personal connection with them. It is wise to first master traditional runic casting and its symbolic interpretations before moving on to a more intuitive style of runic reading. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you begin your intuitive journey with rune casting:
You can purchase rune sets made from a variety of materials, including wood, stone, bone, crystal, and synthetic materials. The material from which the runes are made can affect the readings in subtle but significant ways, largely due to the energetic properties associated with different materials and the symbolic meanings they may carry.
Wood: Runes carved from wood are deeply connected to nature and the energy of trees. Different types of wood can bring specific energies due to their associations in various mythologies and magical practices. For example, oak is often associated with strength and stability, while birch may be associated with new beginnings and purification. The use of wooden runes can enhance readings related to growth, healing, and personal development.
Stone & Crystal: Stones and crystals carry earth energy and have been used in healing and magical practices for thousands of years. Each type of stone or crystal has its own set of properties that can influence readings. For example, amethyst is associated with spiritual insight and protection, while clear quartz is known for its ability to amplify energy and intention. Stone runes can have a grounding effect and can be particularly effective for issues related to physical and emotional healing.
Bone: Bone runes connect to the energies of the animals from which they came, and thus to the primal life force. They can be used for questions of survival, instinct, and ancestral wisdom. Bone runes can bring a raw, powerful energy to a reading and can encourage deeper introspection.
Metal: Metal runes can bring different energies to a reading depending on the type of metal. Silver, associated with the Moon and intuition, can enhance psychic abilities, while gold, associated with the Sun and success, can be used for questions related to wealth and achievement. Metal runes lend a weighty, substantial feel to readings that some find grounding.
Plastic or Resin: Runes made of synthetic materials such as plastic or resin are more modern inventions and do not carry the same inherent energies as natural materials. However, they can still be effective tools for divination, especially if the practitioner charges them with personal or spiritual energy. These runes may be preferred for their durability and consistency of appearance.
The material you choose should resonate with you on a personal level. A strong connection to your rune set will enhance your readings. Consider what types of questions or themes you’re most interested in exploring with your runes. This can guide you to a material that aligns with your intentions.
In essence, while the symbolism of the runes themselves remains constant, the material from which they are made can add an additional layer of meaning and influence to your readings. It’s a personal choice, and experimenting with different materials can help you discover what works best for you.
Please note that with natural materials, like bone or crystal, it’s important to consider ethical sourcing and respect for animals and the natural environment. Using runes made from unsustainable or inhumane practices is not only unethical, but spiritually unwise and karmically detrimental. Make sure you know exactly where the raw materials are coming from.
Some practitioners prefer to create their own runes. This can be a very personal process, where you choose the materials and carve or paint the runes yourself, imbuing them with your energy from the beginning.
Before you can use your runes, they must be energetically activated before they can be used in casting. It’s important to cleanse and “charge” them energetically. This process helps to remove any previous energies and align the runes with your own energy and intent. Rune activation, or “charging,” is based on several basic principles that are common to many spiritual and esoteric practices:
Divine Connection: Activating runes is a way of connecting them to the divine or universal energies. Norse mythology, from which runes originate, is rich with deities, spirits, and cosmic forces. Activating runes therefore involves invoking these sacred forces or higher powers to give the runes power and insight.
Personalization & Bonding: Activation allows the practitioner to form a bond with their rune set. By performing a ritual or ceremony to activate the runes, the practitioner not only imbues them with energy, but also establishes a personal energy connection. This increases the accuracy and relevance of the readings as the runes become attuned to the reader’s individual energy.
Cleansing & Purification: Part of the activation process usually involves cleansing the runes of any previous energies they may have absorbed. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as smoke purification, burying them in the ground, or bathing them in moonlight or sunlight. The idea is to return the runes to a neutral state, ready to be charged with the practitioner’s intent.
Intention Setting: Activation involves not only connecting the runes to the general cosmic energies, but also charging them with the specific intention of the practitioner. This can involve meditation, visualization, or vocalizing one’s intentions through prayer, affirmations, chanting, and so on. The goal is to intentionally align the runes with the purpose for which they will be used, whether for divination, meditation, guidance, or other forms of personal and spiritual insight.
There are different ways to do this energy charging or intention setting, as different practitioners and traditions have their own methods and beliefs regarding the preparation and use of runes. It’s important to note that the idea of needing to energetically activate runes is more prevalent in modern esoteric practices than in historical accounts of rune use. Historical sources on how runes were used for divination are scarce, and much of what is practiced today is a reconstruction of or inspired by these ancient practices. Thus, the need for and methods of activation can vary widely among practitioners, influenced by personal belief, tradition, and intuition.
While activating or charging a new set of runes is a personal and spiritual process that can vary greatly depending on individual beliefs, traditions, and the purpose of the runes, there are some common practices and steps that many modern practitioners follow when activating a new set of runes. Here’s a general guide that you can adapt to your own practices:
First, it’s important to cleanse your runes of any previous energies they may have absorbed. This can be done in a number of ways:
Smudging: Use smoke from sage, palo santo, or other herbs to pass each rune through the smoke, imagining it cleansing any negative or residual energies.
Moonlight / Sunlight: Place your runes under moonlight or sunlight for several hours or overnight to cleanse and recharge them with natural energy.
Water: Gently rinse your runes in running water or salt water, being careful if the material is sensitive to water. Visualize the water washing away unwanted energies.
Earth: Bury your runes in the earth overnight or for a few days, allowing the earth to absorb, ground, purify any negative energies.
After cleansing, the next step is to charge your runes with your personal energy and intent:
Meditation / Visualization: Hold each rune in your hand, one at a time, and meditate on its meaning. Visualize your energy and intent for the rune flowing into it. This can be a general intent for divination or a specific intent related to the rune’s symbolism.
Vocal Activation: Some practitioners believe in speaking or chanting over their runes. This may involve saying the name of each rune aloud, reciting a poem, verse, or declaration of intent, or even chanting sounds that resonate with each rune.
Touch Connection: Spend time physically touching and handling your runes. This helps to create a personal connection and allows your energy to merge with the runes.
Consecration is the process of dedicating your runes to their purpose. This step often involves a ritual or ceremony:
Sacred Space: You may wish to create a sacred or ceremonial space in which to perform your consecration. This may involve setting up an altar, lighting candles, or arranging sacred objects.
Ritual Offering: Some traditions include making an offering during the consecration. This could be an offering to the deities, spirits, or powers you are working with, or a symbolic offering related to the runes (such as mead, grain, or stones).
Ritual / Prayer: Perform whatever ritual actions you feel are appropriate. This could include laying out your runes in a certain pattern, using a tool to symbolically “awaken” them, or any other action that symbolizes their activation and dedication.
Remember, the most important aspect of activating your runes is the intention and energy you put into them. The specific methods you use can be adapted to suit your own beliefs, practices, and the materials of your runes. Whether you follow these steps closely or develop your own methods, the key is to approach the process with respect, focus, and a clear intention for your work with the runes.
Begin by learning the general meanings of each rune. The Elder Futhark, the oldest runic alphabet, consists of 24 runes, each with its own symbolism and associations. There are many resources, including books, videos and online articles and courses, that explain the historical and spiritual significance of each symbol.
Understanding the cultural and historical context of the runes can enhance your practice. Learning about Norse mythology, Germanic tribes, and how runes were used historically can add depth to your readings.
Start with simple casts. A common method is to pull a single rune from a pocket to answer a question or to meditate on for the day.
A good next step is to try the classic three rune spread. This is a basic spread that offers insight into the past, present and future of a situation. Draw three runes, one at a time, and place them in order. The first represents the past, the second the present, and the third the future.
As you gain more confidence, move on to more complex spreads, such as:
This spread offers a more detailed analysis of a situation and examines possible outcomes.
Rune 1 (center): The current situation.
Number 2 (left of center): Challenges or factors working against the situation.
Row 3 (right of center): Factors supporting the client.
Number 4 (below center): The root or foundation of the question.
Number 5 (above center): Possible outcome or solution.
This spread is a deep dive into a question or situation, exploring different influences and aspects. Similar to the Celtic Cross in Tarot, this spread uses six runes.
Rune 1: The present or the current position of the questioner.
Rune 2: The immediate challenge facing the querent.
Rune 3: Distant past foundation.
Rune 4: Recent past events.
Rune 5: The best possible outcome.
Run 6: Immediate future or what is to come.
This spread provides a broad overview that explores different dynamics at play. Draw nine runes from the pouch and gently throw them onto a cloth or surface.
The runes that land face up are read, with those in the center representing the most immediate influences, and those at the edges representing more distant or potential factors. Some casters also pay attention to the direction in which the runes are facing and consider this in their interpretations.
Each of these spreads offers a different level of insight, from the simplicity of a single rune cast to the complexity of a nine-rune cast. The choice of spread may depend on the question at hand, the depth of insight sought, and the preferences of the rune caster. Experimenting with different spreads can help you discover which ones resonate most with you and provide the clearest guidance for your questions.
As you become more comfortable, you may want to develop your own spreads or try other more complex layouts that you come across in your studies.
Runecasting is a deeply personal and evolving practice. Don’t be discouraged if your interpretations don’t make sense right away, or if the runes don’t seem to “speak” to you at first. With time, patience, and practice, you’ll develop a deeper understanding and connection with your runes.
Journaling: I find keeping a rune journal to be very insightful in my own spiritual practice. Document your rune casts, the interpretations, and the results. This will help you see patterns, understand the runes more deeply, and refine your intuition over time.
Intuition: While learning the traditional meanings of each rune is important, your personal intuition plays an important role in your readings. The context of the question, the way the runes fall or are drawn, and your intuition all combine to create a unique interpretation.
Interpretation: Essentially, the same rune is never interpreted exactly the same way from reading to reading. Each new interpretation will depend on the traditional symbolism of the particular rune, the original intent or question, the context of the surrounding runes, as well as the reader’s unique intuitive interpretation at that moment.
Regular Practice: Like any skill, rune casting benefits from regular practice. Use them as part of your daily routine, for meditation, or whenever you are seeking insight.
Continued Study: Once you have mastered the basic symbolism of the runes, continue to study their archetypal meanings, as well as the related Norse mythology and history of rune casting. The more you learn about this ancient tradition, the richer your practice will become.
Community: If possible, connect with others who are interested in runes and Norse spirituality. Online forums, social media groups, and local workshops can provide support, insight, and different perspectives.
Intuitive rune casting is a method of rune divination that relies primarily on the practitioner’s intuition and psychic abilities, rather than strictly adhering to traditional rune meanings and predefined spreads. This approach emphasizes personal insight and the ability to sense and interpret energies and messages through the runes in ways that may not always agree with arcane interpretations.
Practitioners of Intuitive Runic Casting develop a deep, personal connection with their runic set. This connection enhances their ability to interpret the runes in a way that is unique to each reading and question.
Unlike more structured methods, intuitive casting doesn’t rely heavily on memorized meanings. Instead, the caster allows their understanding of the runes to be influenced by the context, the energy of the querent (if they are reading for someone else), and the specific circumstances of the question or situation. Intuitive rune casting is very much about being in the moment and attuned to the energies present during the reading. It’s a dynamic process that can change from one reading to the next, even with the same question or person.
Intuitive rune casting often involves the use of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, or other psychic abilities. Casters may receive additional insights, feelings, or visions that go beyond the surface meanings of the runes. Instead of using traditional spreads, intuitive casters may also choose runes at random or allow them to fall freely onto a casting cloth. They then read the runes based on their positions, the patterns they form, and how they energetically interact with each other.
Practitioners may also incorporate elements of other spiritual and divinatory practices into their readings, such as astrology, numerology, or tarot. This holistic approach can provide a richer, more nuanced interpretation.
Intuitive Rune Casting is a deeply personal and flexible approach to divination that can offer profound insights. It takes time, practice, and a willingness to trust one’s intuition and psychic senses. For those drawn to it, it can be a powerful tool for guidance, reflection, and personal growth.
Lucinda is a highly trained Intuitive and Empath, living in a beautiful village in North Yorkshire, England. She possesses the rare gift of understanding a client's personal pain and has been through many challenges, herself, which has only made her stronger! It is both her calling and her happiness to help those in need. And whenever she needs a little help herself, her Guides are always there to assist in her development and provide clear interpretations for her clients. Prediction has always been a great tool she could count on to accurately foretell events, but Lucinda also draws on her expertise with Dream Interpretation, Numerology, Angel Cards, Law of Attraction and Life Coaching to provide full and detailed solutions to any problem. A member of AMORC and Beyond Freedom Evolution, she provides inspiration, education and personal support for spiritual development. |
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